Amasuka Empire

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Amasuka Empire
A group of humans who are out of sight of the W.I.S.E.. It is established by Usui who has made the people of the empire believe that he is a Prophet as he able to tell the future but, actually, Usui used the information he gathered as Psyren Drifter to set up the Neo-Amakusa Empire. Because of this, Usui is worshiped as a god and reincarnation of the Emperor. He has a very feudal, ordered system, enforced by his personal minions who can use PSI (Brain Beasts). After his unsuccessful attack on Nemesis Q at Mukurojima, Usui's power is usurped, and he's reduced to a puppet leader and figurehead with Taiga and Orugas watching his every move. It is built where Australia was before. Sunlight reaches it and as a result, it is rich in flora and fauna.
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